Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My High Carb diet and it Works

I'm Changing my high protein low carb diet to the complete opposite after reading the following postd by Markus R. One of Mentzers Clients. After doing this High carb diet i feel more full satisfied and vascular.

"Mike trained me prior to a contest in 1997 where I competed as a Heavyweight. I was about 8 weeks out and doing low carbs and high protein - I did not tell Mike about that because I did not wanna piss him off since I knew his stand on it - lol - another 2-3 weeks past and my bodyfat did not really change a whole lot - my progress kinda slowed down and I felt flat and had a soft appearance to my skin. So I got nervous and told Mike that I was doing all this protein, he looked at me and ask me why ? - I always remember him telling me that carbohydrates are like dry logs, when thrown into a fire the fire burns hotter - add protein and its like adding wet logs to it...the fire goes out - as in the fat burning slows down.

So I decide to just let him guide me on the diet for the last 4 weeks before my big appearance...now here comes the crazy thing...

Mike tells me to drop my protein to no more then 80-100 grams a day total! - I thought he was nuts..but I decided to try it. He had me eat mostly carbs at this point. maybe around 400-500 grams per day! (on a diet!) - the fats stayed very low of course but I was finally be able to enjoy brown rice, pasta and yams again (love yams!) - the results of this "diet switch" were veins running down my legs and abs that looked like out of a anatomy chart - my bodyfat dropped so low I could not regnonize myself - my muscles got even stronger and fuller then in the offseason before the diet.

This was the best I have ever looked in my life and I WILL NEVER got back to low carb dieting again before a contest. I wish I would've listen to Mike the years prior to that - I F***ed up so many shows its not even funny." - Markus R.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The work out routine is complete

I will be doing Dorian Yates work out routine

Dorian's Mr Olympia Winning Routine
Day 1- Delts, traps, triceps, abs
Day 2- Back, rear delts
Day 3- Rest
Day 4- Chest, Biceps, Abs
Day 5- Rest day
Day 6-Quads, Hams, calves
Day 7- Rest

3 sets One with Failure and Advance Techniques (Negatives,Static,Forced reps)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Last work out

Today was my final work out of volume training; I did Quads and Calf’s. I will now take a one week break from working out. To let my body completely recover, so I can have a fresh recovered strong body to start the intense HIT work outs. Today I read a quote about Arthur Jones Inventor or Nautilus Weight Machines and Originator of HIT.

When I first met Arthur he took one look at me and said "When was the last time you worked out... or DO YOU? (He emphasized "DO YOU" ;)

I cheerfully replied "Oh yea I've been working out for years!"

Looking straight thru me, he said "Now that you've failed at bodybuilding what else do you plan on failing at?"

I didn't bother answering; I had gotten the point ;)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My cutting diet.

My original Diet was around 2400. As I lost body fat every 10lbs or so I would recalculate what my maintance calories were. Then I would re-adjust by dropping them around 200 calories per day. The lowest reduction I had was 800 calories. Never go 1000 calories under maintence, you will put your body in survival mode and it will store everything as fat, your body thinks your starving to death at that point. Also I drink 1.5 gallons of water a day to keep away the hunger. I also had 1 cheat meal a week during that meal i would eat whatever I wanted and any amount. While on this diet I have had minimal Muscle loss. I may have lost 4lbs of muscle max which is excellent; this diet had the best results possible. I maintained 1.5g of protein x my body weight to maintain my muscle mass, and kept my carbs from 130g-80g while on this diet which was the main factor in dropping the weight. The fats helped me lose weight I kept them in a range of 30g-65g a day. I also too a multivitamin and fish oils Through out the day due to lack of nutrients I was missing.

First Post

Okay Today I’m 183lbs my goal is 180Lbs 8.5% Body fat. I was around 228lbs In July of 2007 and I thought I was in great shape but apparently I had more fat on me than I thought. I was around 16.5% Body fat and to me that is too high. I started my Diet the first week of November so roughly it took me 3 months to shed 47+ lbs of fat. my goal was to cut body fat by half which I'm almost at, I should hit my goal by 02/10/08. Once I meet this goal ill change my training method which has been the same since the day I started working out which was, roughly 5 days of work outs 2 days off 4 sets whatever reps the basic Arnold style Volume work out. I will now do Dorian Yates style which has less sets, and 1 all out set to failure, with more rest days for recovery