Thursday, February 7, 2008

My cutting diet.

My original Diet was around 2400. As I lost body fat every 10lbs or so I would recalculate what my maintance calories were. Then I would re-adjust by dropping them around 200 calories per day. The lowest reduction I had was 800 calories. Never go 1000 calories under maintence, you will put your body in survival mode and it will store everything as fat, your body thinks your starving to death at that point. Also I drink 1.5 gallons of water a day to keep away the hunger. I also had 1 cheat meal a week during that meal i would eat whatever I wanted and any amount. While on this diet I have had minimal Muscle loss. I may have lost 4lbs of muscle max which is excellent; this diet had the best results possible. I maintained 1.5g of protein x my body weight to maintain my muscle mass, and kept my carbs from 130g-80g while on this diet which was the main factor in dropping the weight. The fats helped me lose weight I kept them in a range of 30g-65g a day. I also too a multivitamin and fish oils Through out the day due to lack of nutrients I was missing.

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